So satisfy both inexperienced and experienced users. Flexible processes can be carried out in different ways, so that people can choose the method that works best for them. For example; regular routes are listed on maps, but locals with more knowledge of the area can take short cuts. Aesthetic and minimalist design interfaces must not contain information that is irrelevant. Each additional information unit in an interface competes with the relevant information units and decreases your visibility of them. This heuristic principle of usability does not mean that you have to use a flat design; it's about making sure you keep the content and visual design E Commerce Photo Editing focused on the essentials.
Ensuring that the visual elements of the interface support the main objectives of the user. For example: an ornate teapot may have excessive decorative elements that can interfere with its use, such as an uncomfortable handle or a spout that is difficult to wash. The best way to make use of the teapot will be that it is simple and functional, with a sturdy handle and a simple spout. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors error messages should be expressed in plain language (no error codes or anything like that), accurately state the problem, and constructively suggest a solution to the user. These usability heuristics are paramount. Error messages should also be presented with visual treatments that help users notice and recognize them.
For example: wrong-way signs on the highway remind drivers that they are headed in the wrong direction and ask them to stop. This is how our warnings should be. Help and documentation it is better that the system does not need any further explanation. However, it may be necessary to provide documentation to help users understand how to complete some tasks. Help and documentation content should be easy to